String Bean Theory, 2013
String Bean Theory, 2013
Digital Carving Process Shot
Digital Carving Process Shot
  Matthew Hebert
String Bean Theory, 2013
String Bean Theory, 2013

These pieces are an exercise in taking a technique to the limit. Drawing inspiration from the brinkmanship of wood turning, I have tried to create pieces that show off the abilities of CAD software and the CNC router through the use of a fragile and non-uniform material - wood. In the process I also tried to find ways to bring a sense of the organic into the domain of the rational - the computer.

String Bean Theory, 2013
String Bean Theory, 2013

This detail shows the intricacy of the form created by the CNC router. 

Digital Carving Process Shot
Digital Carving Process Shot
Digital Carving Process Shot
Digital Carving Process Shot
  Matthew Hebert